Traumatology rehabilitation

The traumatology is the medical field specialised on physical trauma, meaning: violent and sudden shocks. In which case, the wounds are obviously very different and concerning all parts of the body. Among the most common are those related to sport, work accidents, car accidents, injuries in the elderly / seniors/ older adults, falls leading to several type of fractures every year.

Once the diagnosis is made, appropriate support will be offered

The traumatology addresses patients suffering from traumatic injuries(broken bones, sprains, dislocagions) caused by accidents.
The physical therapeutical means are various, from cast immobilization to most sophisticated osteosynthesis techniques.

Main pathologies treated

Broken ankle/feet
Broken arm/hand fracture
Knee fracture
Shoulder dislocation/ elbow dislocation/ ax dislocation
Shoulder prosthesis/knee prosthesis
Ankle sprain
Achilles tendon rupture

A multi-disciplinary health center

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Traumatology rehabilitation

traumatology is the study of wounds and injuries caused by accidents or violence to a person


Traumatology rehabilitation


Rheumatology rehabilitation

Rheumatology is the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system


Rheumatology rehabilitation


Neurological rehabilitation

Studies all the diseases of the nervous system and in particular of the brain.


Neurological rehabilitation

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TMJ rehabilitation

Rehabilitation of the temporomandibular joint in physiotherapy can reduce pain


TMJ rehabilitation

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Cardiac rehabilitation

La réadaptation cardiaque s'adresse à toutes les personnes souffrant d'insuffisance cardiaque


Cardiac rehabilitation